A collection of supplemental materials for the Magic of Electricity Curriculum through National 4-H. Intended for 4th-grade use.
Teacher Virtual
Age Ages 10
Category Elementary

Curriculum Summary:

These materials have been developed by North Carolina 4-H to enhance, enrich, and extend the lessons in the National 4-H curriculum, Electric Excitement Level I: Magic of Electricity. You can purchase your copy of the Magic of Electricity student guidebook at Shop4-H.


Next Generation Science Standards:

3-PS2-3: Ask questions to determine cause and effect relationships of electric or magnetic interactions between two objects not in contact with each other.

MS-PS3-2: Develop a model to describe that when the arrangement of objects interacting at a distance changes, different amounts of potential energy are stored in the system


North Carolina Essential Science Standards: 

  • 4.P.1.1 Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and with other magnets to produce motion without touching them. 
  • 4.P.1.2 Explain how electrically charged objects push or pull on other electrically charged objects and produce motion.
  • 4.P.3.1 Recognize the basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, electrical, and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or create change.
  • 6.P.1.2 Explain the relationship among visible light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and sight.
  • 6.P.2.1 Recognize that all matter is made up of atoms and atoms of the same element are all alike, but are different from the atoms of other elements
  • 6.P.3.2 Explain the effects of electromagnetic waves on various materials to include absorption, scattering, and change in temperature.
  • 6.P.3.3 Explain the suitability of materials for use in technological design based on a response to heat (to include conduction, expansion, and contraction) and electrical energy (conductors and insulators).

Age range:

Grade level: 4th Grade

MoE Textbook Cover

This title is available for purchase through National 4-H.