Monica Animation Series
Monica is a series that explores opioid misuse with a compelling story that is accessible to young a…
Winged Wonders
Youth will observe the wonders of the natural world unfolding in front of them by raising painted lady…
Embryology Hatching Guide
Supplemental material for the National 4-H curriculum, Hatching, Grades 2-5, Helper’s Guide.
Magic of Electricity Curriculum
A collection of supplemental materials for the Magic of Electricity Curriculum through National 4-H….
Cloverville Detective Agency
Sink your teeth into STEM by solving a series of food-related mini-mysteries in these family-focused,…
The Busy World of Bees
This curriculum is crafted to engage youth in celebrating bees and their pollinator allies and build…
Hive Helpers
Youth will learn how critical bees are to our agricultural industry and native ecosystems. They will…
Seed Roll
Watch the effects of seed distribution as you spread seeds in your own yard!
Soil Solutions
Students will discover the soil beneath their feet, watch as a basil seed germinates before their eyes,…
Soil to Seed
Soil to Seed is designed to cultivate high school aged-youth in understanding the principles of erosion…